Following feedback from some of our friends and customers we are looking at introducing a monthly army builder subscription, or ‘Conscription’ as we call it. The idea is that for a small monthly fee you will receive a new unit, model or publication each month to keep your forces growing and add a new dimension to your games.
The monthly ‘conscription’ will be £12 a month, paid monthly and you will receive at least £12 worth of miniatures, scenery, publications each month as selected by us. You cannot choose what you receive, but we will try and balance the ‘conscripts’ to make sure you get everything you need to create fun, fair battles using up to date rules and tools and we will guarantee you will always receive at least £12 worth (sometimes significantly more!). Just in case this was not enough, your £12+ of BricksKrieg goodies will be sent without any postage cost to you. That is a saving of about £4.95 a month straight off the bat.
We think this will be pretty popular (mainly because when i first got into wargaming i would have ripped someone's arm off for it!) but we are conscious of making sure we can live up to our promises. With this in mind we are initially only 'Conscripting' a maximum of 50 of our Generals to this scheme.
We will send you an update including what is coming your way in month one in the coming weeks!